
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord” ~Isaiah 55:8

The Psychology department endeavours to fulfil our school mission by providing an engaging and innovative curriculum. Taught by enthusiastic and experienced staff who will share their love of the subject. Students are taught in a warm and supportive environment, allowing them to flourish and develop skills valued by universities and employers alike.

Curriculum Intent

BTEC psychology revolves around providing students with a comprehensive understanding of key psychological concepts, theories and research methods. Students will learn:

  • Core psychological concepts

  • Key psychological theories

  • Research methods.

  • Practical applications to real world scenarios

  • Ethical considerations

  • Critical analysis and thinking

  • Careers and further education

Overall, the intent of a BTEC in Psychology is to provide students with a broad and practical understanding of psychology, preparing them for further study or employment in psychology-related fields whilst fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

Key Stage 5

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour. As a student, you will follow the BTEC Applied Psychology specification. There will be two external exams – unit 1 and 3, weighing 60% - and two pieces of coursework – unit 2 and 4, weighing 40% of the overall course. Students are supported with coursework drop-in sessions and revision sessions.

Year 12

Unit 1: Psychological Approaches and Applications
Unit 2: Conducting Psychological Research

Year 13

Unit 3: Health Psychology
Unit 4: Optional Unit – An introduction to Psychopathology

Revision Support

All students will receive a copy of the Illuminate ‘Applied Psychology Revision’ textbook for their exams and revision materials are available on the shared drive to support students, including links to revision website such as Tutor2u and YouTube tutorials.

Extra-Curricular Enrichment and Visit

Students can take advantage of extracurricular activities such as:

  • Trips and visits

  • Visits to local Universities, attending lectures.

  • Talks from guest speakers and specialists.

If you are interested in the mind, brain or cognition then why not try one of our book recommendations all about psychology - simply select the 'Psychology' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this subject? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: Psychology Reading List


Students are introduced into a wide range of extra curricular activities and information. They are expected to read around the subject and follow the school twitter account which gives further help, support and extra reading with curriculum links.

Additional Information

If you require any help or support please visit the department, located in the SixthFform centre.

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