Progress and Care


Student reviews take place throughout the year, to ensure students achieve their full potential. In addition to this there are two parents’ evenings during the year, where parents and carers are invited to speak to subject tutors about student progress. Reports are sent home 3 times a year, however parents are encouraged to get in touch with any queries throughout the year.

Student Support

All students are assigned a personal tutor to support them through their academic and personal journey. We have a very strong pastoral team and use a number of outside specialist agencies to support students through any difficulties they may encounter.
Our SEND Coordinator Mrs Clarke-Halewood works alongside the sixth form pastoral team to ensure support is in place for students with additional needs.

Work Experience

All year 12 students will undertake a minimum of 1 week work experience related to their career aspirations.


St John Bosco Arts College 16 to 19 Bursary Fund is designed to help and support students who face financial barriers to participation in education and training, such as costs of transport, food or equipment.

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