Welcome to Our Sixth Form

Why choose St John Bosco Sixth Form?

We consider it a great pleasure and privilege to work with the Key Stage 5 students at our college where we provide a caring and supportive environment for each and every person.

Our aim is for each student to excel in every aspect of study and college life so that they can become the best that they can be as they follow their dreams in life.

Our Sixth Form experience encompasses academic, extracurricular and social activities. Our aim is twofold; to enable students to achieve the best possible academic qualifications whilst giving them every opportunity to develop as a mature, responsible 21st century citizen.

We believe that your two years here in the Sixth Form will be amongst the most important in your life. You will be studying the subjects you are passionate about, making important decisions about your future, and we hope, going from strength to strength on an academic and social level.

We have a commitment to supporting you on this important journey. Our aims in the Sixth Form are as follows:

Independent Study

Develop students who are independent, active learners who manage tasks using their own initiative.
Encourage EPOs and online learning courses (MOOCs).

Personal Development

Promote a wide range of enriching activities and events inside and outside the school. Encourage students to achieve their full potential through a nurturing, supportive environment.

Career Pathways

Provide HE guidance advice, encourage work experience, foster links with industry and outside speakers.
Ensure students are ready for the world of work.

Academic study

Attain the highest possible standards of achievement.

We achieve this by:

Having high expectations which raise achievement and attainment across the whole curriculum.

  • Providing a balanced and appropriate curriculum . Our students are able to access a wide variety of courses which    reflect academic and vocational requirements.

  • Encouraging students to develop their strengths through the varied opportunities available to them – leadership roles, school council, prefect responsibilities, charity events, extra curricular activities.

  • Helping students to develop lively and enquiring minds which empowers them to meet and solve problems in a logical and constructive manner.

  • Providing excellent pastoral support. Pastoral care is at the heart of our Salesian Mission with young people. Every student can be confident that they are cared for, listened to and supported. This is particularly important in the sixth form where we guide the young people to greater independence and adulthood so they can make informed and confident choices about their future.

The best way to fully appreciate our college is to come and visit. Please join us at our sixth form open evening which takes place in the autumn term. Alternatively you can find out more by contacting us on the school telephone number.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Miss C Lyon
Head of Sixth Form

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