Prayer and Liturgy

School prayer

God our Father,
bless all in my school this day.
Give us the hope for our future,
and respect in our attitudes.
Have love for ourselves and each other.
May our community be a place of cheerfulness,
where we grow in faith, following the example of St John Bosco.

Community Mass

Once a month we have a community mass where Our local parishioners from Our Lady Queen of Martyrs attend mass in school with staff and students. Mass is held in the prayer room and readings led by our Faith in Action team. Afterwards parishioners can join Fr Anthony and the chaplain for tea and coffee. All Parents and Carers are welcome to attend when you can. Please look out on the school socials and website when mass will take place. Look forward to seeing you then!

Weekly Prayer Themes

Throughout the college year we have weekly prayer themes. The themes vary. Mainly, the theme follows the season liturgically or the time of the year. Also, prayer themes may be relevant to where we are in the college for example we could have a prayer theme for ‘exams’ during June or ‘celebration’ during our annual prize giving event.

Prayer and liturgy starts us off for the day and week ahead.
During morning registration every form tutor leads a prayer moment which has been coordinated by the College Chaplain.

Each Year group has its own Prayer and Liturgy on a specific day every week and masses are held on feast days. The 31st January is a particularly important day for us, as this is the Feast Day of St John Bosco. On this day we celebrate by having a whole school mass and a number of Salesian events are arranged for students in all year groups to participate in. Events can include a trip to the cinema, bowling, giant inflatables, Bosco bingo, Bosco superheroes and crafts.

Click here to see more on our most recent Feast Day Celebration.

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