

Homework can encompass a range of activities, formal and informal.

  1. Homework will be tailored to meet the needs of all students, showing developments through each key stage.

  2. Homework can extend the creativity that has been developed within the classroom.

  3. Homework will be marked in line with the College’s marking/assessment policy.

  4. Homework will provide our students with meaningful personal study opportunities that will support their achievement and attainment.

  5. Homework will be set and recorded through Classcharts.


Key Stage 3:

  • English, Maths, Science and RE will issue the equivalent of one piece of homework per week. These can be set at times that fit in with schemes of work and should be detailed as part of those schemes.

  • All other subjects will issue the equivalent of one homework per fortnight.

Key Stage 4 – Applicable to both GCSE and BTEC subjects:

  • English, Maths, Science and RE will issue the equivalent of two pieces of homework per week. These can be set at times that fit in with schemes of work and should be detailed as part of those schemes.

  • All other subjects will issue one piece of homework per week.

Key Stage 5 - Applicable to both A-Level and Applied subjects:

  • Students should be issued with homework each lesson. This can include independent study or research.

  • Homework should give the opportunity to practice examination questions.

  • Each department should detail in their sixth form learner contracts the length of time allocated for both the completion of the homework and for marking.

  • Homework should be detailed in the subject schemes of work.

  • Where appropriate, time in lessons should be allocated to discussing the homework to be set or as a follow up once marked.

  • Homework should be marked in accordance with the school marking and assessment policy.


  • Students should be given an appropriate amount of time to complete each homework.

  • All homework set is to be published on ClassCharts for pupils, parents and teachers to access (login details are issued to all students at the start of the academic year)

  • Homework should consolidate and develop learning from the curriculum, including opportunities for retention and retrieval practice.

  • Subject leaders should monitor the setting and submission of homework within their departments and ensure that homework is planned appropriately in the curriculum maps/schemes of work.

  • The completion and standard of homework should be monitored by subject teachers and middle leaders. Where the standard of homework falls below the minimum expectations, the appropriate college procedures and sanctions should be implemented.

  • Form tutors should monitor the completion of homework of pupils in their form using ClassCharts and take the necessary action where homework is persistently not being completed.

  • Pupil Progress Coordinators should support departments and form tutors where necessary if students are failing to meet the requirements for completing homework.

  • The College remains open for pupils who wish to complete homework in school, using the facilities, until 4.30pm Monday-Thursday and 3.30pm on Friday.


Non completion of homework or homework that is not completed to a minimum standard must not be ignored. To emphasise the importance that the College places on homework and the links to achievement and attainment the following whole College procedure should be followed:

  • First instance – negative point added on ClassCharts and student given the opportunity to complete homework for the next lesson.

  • If homework is still not completed, subject teachers should contact home, award a negative point and complete a detention with the student.

  • If the student does not attend the detention, this should be referred to the Subject Leader/Key Stage Leader.

  • Persistent non-completion – refer to subject leader and form tutor. Report monitoring system to be implement and parental contact made.

  • If no improvement, inform PPC for further actions.

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