Parents & Carers


Curious about our school and what we have to offer? Click the link below for information on our Open Evening and to discover why our school is the perfect place for your child's educational journey. Click Here STEP ONE: Applications for a place in Year 7 this September 2025 must be made online to School Admissions at Liverpool City Council by 31 st October 2024 . Liverpool City Council -   Read more

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance Matters at St John Bosco Everyone is engaging in our ‘Attendance Matters’ project during form time and we’re looking forward to rolling out our Attendance Rewards. Please check ClassCharts for more details on upcoming incentives. Remember, every day off is 5 lessons missed! Miss 4 days this half term and attendance will be less than 90% - this is classed as being Persistently Absent   Read more

College Catering

This initiative is funded by the Department for Education and delivered by the charity Magic Breakfast. The aim of Magic Breakfast is very simple “no child too hungry to learn”. A healthy breakfast can provide children with the energy and nutrients they need to thrive; increasing alertness,improving behaviour and giving them the motivation to learn. It can also improve punctuality to school in   Read more

Free School Meals

Parents and Carers – we need your help! A FREE tasty and nutritious school meal may be available for your children at St John Bosco Arts College… BUT YOU MUST APPLY! The school could receive extra funding at this difficult time…. BUT YOU MUST APPLY! If you already receive free school meals already: You must complete this form to ensure you carry on receiving free school meals. If you don’t   Read more


GUIDELINES FOR THE COMPLETION OF HOMEWORK Homework can encompass a range of activities, formal and informal. Homework will be tailored to meet the needs of all students, showing developments through each key stage. Homework can extend the creativity that has been developed within the classroom. Homework will be marked in line with the College’s marking/assessment policy. Homework will provide   Read more

Letters home

Autumn Term 2024   Read more

Medical Administration

For our pupils welfare, we have strict measures in place to ensure any medication due to be taken in school, is stored securely, administered safely, and any medical waste is disposed of hygienically. We have trained medical administrators and a dedicated medical room for this purpose. It is required that all medication is handed into the main office, and not kept in pupils bags, pockets etc for   Read more

Parent View

Parent View gives you the chance to tell us what you think about your child’s school. Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. If your child is at a boarding or a residential special school, it also asks for your opinion on five aspects of your child’s boarding or welfare. We will use the   Read more

Safeguarding & E- Safety

What is Safeguarding? Safeguarding refers to the processes adopted by our college community for actively observing, monitoring, reporting and recording ALL matters which may potentially put our students at risk of harm or abuse. ALL staff have a safeguarding responsibility and receive annual training on this, we work together to keep the students in our care safe and well. The ‘Safeguarding   Read more

School Day

St John Bosco Arts College provides students with 32 hours and 10 minutes of compulsory education per week. As seen in the table below. Please note: Changes to the school day running times as shown above came into action as of Monday 8th January 2024. Please click here for further details.   Read more

Term Dates

Link to School Events calendar Autumn Term 2024 Staff Inset Days : Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd September 2024 Pupils return Wednesday 4th September 2024 Autumn Term 1: Wednesday 4th September to Friday 25th October 2024 Half term: Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024 Autumn Term 2: Monday 4th November to Friday 20th December 2024 Christmas break: Monday 23rd December 2024 to   Read more


We are committed to the highest standards in all aspects of College life. The appearance of each member of the community gives an impression of the College and is an indication of our loyalty to the ethos of the school. The public often judges the College by the appearance of the pupils both in school and on their way to and from home. Uniform, proudly worn, often tells us about the attitudes of   Read more

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