
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.” ~ Job 12:7-10

The Science department endeavours to fulfil the school mission by providing an ambitious and relevant curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to support students to flourish into well-rounded individuals, who have a love for and respect the world around them.

Our team of subject specialist teachers impart knowledge with passion, enriching students’ understanding of the world and communities.

We hope to inspire and empower our students to have the faith to envision a brighter future, embracing their role as stewards of the planet, making meaningful and innovative contributions to the world around them.

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is designed to inspire and encourage all students to be inquisitive and respectful learners of the world around us. Throughout students 5 or 7 year journey, scientific skills are taught through engaging, relevant contexts in every day life and are encouraged to build their confidence in asking questions and look for answers as the scientists of the future.

The key pillars of science are introduced, revisited and consolidated through each key stage, enabling students to develop a secure knowledge and build upon prerequisites to understand complex concepts and theories.

Career education and STEM opportunities are embedded throughout the curriculum and are constantly referred to during topics in all key stages. This helps to deepen student understanding of the importance of science in the real world.

We acknowledge that science is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. Our curriculum equips students with the resilience, adaptability, and growth mindset necessary to navigate uncertainty, and persist in the face of challenges as they explore the frontiers of scientific knowledge.


Key Stage 4

At St John Bosco Arts College, we currently study the AQA GCSE Combined Science Specification at KS4.
More information on this course can be found by following this link.

Biology paper 1: Cell Biology; Organisation; Bioenergetics; and Infection and response
Biology paper 2: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; and Ecology

Chemistry paper 1: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; and Energy changes
Chemistry paper 2: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry, Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; and using resources

Physics paper 1: Energy; Electricity; Particle model of matter; and Atomic structure.
Physics paper 2: Forces; Waves; and Magnetism and electromagnetism

Year 10


  • Cell biology

  • Animal organisation and respiration

  • Plant organisation and photosynthesis

  • Infection and response


  • Atomic Structure

  • Structure and bonding

  • Chemical changes

  • Energy changes


  • Energy and particle model

  • Atomic structure

  • Electricity

Year 11


  • Ecology

  • Homeostasis and response

  • Inheritance, variation and evolution


  • Quantitative chemistry

  • Rates of chemical change

  • Chemistry of the atmosphere

  • Organic Chemistry

  • Chemical analysis

  • Using resources


  • Waves

  • Magnetism and electromagnetism

  • Forces

Key Stage 5

We run a number of courses at KS5, providing students with a number of options to continue studying science after their GCSE’s.

We follow the AQA specifications for A Level Biology, A Level Chemistry and A Level Physics, all of which can be found at the respective links. These courses are linear, meaning they have a series of three external assessments which are sat at the end of Year 13. Student also complete the A Level Science Practical Endorsement, which is specific to the subject that they are studying.

For vocational courses, we follow the Pearson specifications for BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificates in Applied Human Biology and in Applied Science. These courses are assessed in two ways, by external assessment and internal assessment (coursework), with two units in each year contributing to the overall grade in Year 13.

Year 12

A Level Biology

  • Biological molecules

  • Cells

  • Organisms exchange substances with their environment

  • Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms

Physical Chemistry

  • Atomic structure

  • Amount of substance

  • Bonding

  • Energetics

  • Kinetics

  • Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc

  • Oxidation, reduction and redox equations

Inorganic Chemistry

  • Periodicity

  • Group 2

  • Group 7 (17)

Organic Chemistry

  • Introduction to organic chemistry

  • Alkanes

  • Halogenoalkanes

  • Alkenes

  • Alcohols

  • Organic analysis

A Level Physics

  • Measurement and their errors

  • Particles and radiation

  • Waves

  • Mechanics and materials

  • Electricity

BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Human Biology

  • Unit 1 – Principles of Applied Human Biology

  • Unit 2 – Practical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Science

  • Unit 1 – Principles of Applied Science

  • Unit 2 – Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques

Year 13

A Level Biology

  • Energy transfers within and between organisms

  • Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments

  • Genetics, population, evolution and ecosystems

  • The control of gene expression

Physical Chemistry

  • Thermodynamics

  • Rate equations

  • Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems

  • Electrode potentials and electrochemical cells

  • Acids and bas

Inorganic Chemistry

  • Properties of period 3 elements and their oxides

  • Transition metals

  • Reactions of ions in aqueous solution

Organic Chemistry

  • Optical isomerism

  • Aldehydes and ketones

  • Carboxylic acids and derivatives

  • Aromatic chemistry

  • Amines

  • Polymers

  • Amino acids, proteins and DNA

  • Organic synthesis

  • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

  • Chromatography

A Level Physics

  • Further mechanics

  • Nuclear physics

  • Fields and their consequences

  • Thermal physics

  • Optional Unit: Engineering

BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Human Biology

  • Unit 3 – Human Biology and Health Issues

  • Optional Unit: Unit 8 – Human Reproduction and Fertility

BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Science

  • Unit 3 – Science Investigation Skills

  • Optional Unit: Unit 8 – Physiology of Human Body Systems

Key Stage 3


Introduction to scientific skill

  • Lab safety and investigations

  • Apparatus

  • Bunsen burner

  • Collecting and analysing data


  • Movement

  • Cells

  • Human reproduction

  • Plant reproduction

  • Interdependence


  • Universe

  • Particle model

  • Elements

  • Periodic table

  • Separating mixtures


  • Speed

  • Gravity

  • Energy transfers

  • Energy costs

  • Current

Year 8


  • Breathing

  • Digestion

  • Variation

  • Inheritance

  • Evolution


  • Earth structure

  • Earth resources

  • Acids and alkalis

  • Types of reaction

  • Metals and non-metals


  • Voltage and resistance

  • Sound

  • Light

  • Contact forces

  • Pressure

Year 9


  • Respiration

  • Photosynthesis

  • Evolution


  • Climate

  • Acids and alkalis

  • Chemical energy


  • Waves

  • Work

  • Magnetism

  • Electromagnetism

  • Heating and cooling

Extra-Curricular Enrichment and Visits

There are a number of visits and opportunities students can access throughout their time at St John Bosco Arts College.

The well-established STEM Club enables students to get involved in challenges and develop their scientific skills in completing their own research. Students also have opportunities to take part in city-wide and country-wide STEM challenges to enhance their scientific understanding, enhance their love for STEM and introduce a number of career pathways available to them.

We work closely with local Universities and STEM companies to provide additional opportunities for our students to access throughout their time at the College.

If you are interested in chemistry, biology or physics then why not try one of our book recommendations all about science - simply select the 'Science' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this subject? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: Science Reading List

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