“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” ~ Romans 15:4 

The Religious Education department supports our school mission by nurturing students to not only flourish academically but holistically. Through personal evangelism, we empower our students to delve into the depths of their own faith beliefs, encouraging exploration and fostering a deeper understanding of their own spiritual journey. As a department, we aim to provide students with outstanding teaching and learning, in a nurturing and supportive environment where students can thrive. We seek to create lessons that students look forward to and where they are appropriately challenged to be reflective, thoughtful and creative. 

Curriculum Intent

Religious Education is the core of the core curriculum, it is intricately woven into the fabric of our education framework and is therefore the source and summit of the whole curriculum within our college. The Religious Education curriculum serves as a bridge, allowing students to connect the insights garnered from Religious Education to their understanding of other academic subjects. The Religious Education department provides an ambitious curriculum, that prepares all students for external examination at the end of key stage 4, therefore the curriculum offered in key stage 3 lays the foundations for future successes. All sixth form students participate in a weekly core RE programme and have the opportunity to study A-Level Religious Studies: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics. 

Central to our curriculum is the acknowledgement of each student’s inherent value. We foster an environment of respect for diverse beliefs and values, providing space for students to explore their own faith and hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and belief. The Religious Education curriculum adopts a progressive framework which spirals upwards from EYFS to key stage 3 and fully prepares pupils for transition to GCSE and beyond. Throughout all key stages, students deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith, the sacramental nature of the Church and discuss the meaning of living out the Gospel’s today.  

Rooted in our Salesian ethos and mission statement the Religious Education curriculum steadfastly upholds the five core values within our school. The Religious Education team are dedicated to nurturing students’ growth, and are privileged to be part of their formation, enabling them to surpass their incredible potential. 


Key Stage 4

Students in Key Stage 4 students follow Edexcel Specification A: Faith and Practice in the 21st Century.  By the end of Key Stage 4, students will have a deeper understanding of Catholic Christianity and Judaism, in addition to studying Philosophy and Ethics. 
At the end of Year 11, students are expected to complete three separate examination papers. The marks of these papers are combined to produce one overall grading.   

Paper 1: Catholic Christianity (50% of overall grade) 
Paper 2: Judaism (25% of overall grade)
Paper 3: Philosophy and Ethics (25% of overall grade) 

Year 10  

Paper 1: Catholic Christianity. By the end of Year 10, students should recognise that within Catholic Christianity there may be more than one perspective in the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed. They will compare the areas of belief and practice within Catholic Christianity and other divergent views within the wider Christian tradition, including reference to Orthodox, Protestant and other Christian traditions. There are four sections within this unit which are taught across terms 1 and 2 of the academic year.  

Paper 3: Philosophy and Ethics. This area of study comprises an in-depth study of aspects of Philosophy and Ethics in the context of Catholic Christianity as a lived religion within the United Kingdom and throughout the world. There are two sections: Arguments for the Existence of God; Religious Teachings on Relationships and Families in the 21st Century.  

Year 11  

Paper 2: Judaism. This area of study comprises an in-depth study of Judaism as a lived religion in the United Kingdom and throughout the world. There are two sections: Beliefs and Teachings and Practices. Students will be expected to study Judaism within the context of the wider British society, the religious traditions of which are, in the main, Christian. Students should recognise that within Judaism there may be more than one perspective in the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed. Common and divergent views within Judaism in the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed are included throughout; including reference to Orthodox, Reform and Liberal traditions.  

Extensive revision time to audit and revisit curriculum areas that students need further support with. 

KS4 Curriculum Plan

Key Stage 5

Edexcel Religious Studies 

Qualification Details – Edexcel A-Level Religious Studies: 
Paper 1: Philosophy 
Paper 2: Ethics 
Paper 3: New Testament Studies 

Over the two years students will prepare for three A Level Papers: 

A Level Overview

Core RE
All students in years 12 & 13 will participate in 1 hour of Core RE a week.

Core RE Curriculum

Key Stage 3

The Key Stage 3 Curriculum has been created to deliver schemes of learning which are compliant with the Religious Education Directory, The Key Stage 3 Curriculum is therefore mapped according to the Religious Education Directory framework: ‘To know you More Clearly’, which includes programmes of study that are approved by the Bishops Conference.  

The curriculum enables students in Key Stage 3 to engage in a systematic study of the mystery of God, of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Church, the central beliefs that Catholics hold, the basis for them and the relationship between faith and life enables students continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding. The Curriculum presents an authentic vision of the Church’s moral and social teaching, providing students with a guide for living and the tools to critically engage with contemporary culture and society. ‘To know you more clearly’ provides students with an understanding of different worldviews present in the world today and the skills to engage in respectful and fruitful dialogue with those whose worldviews differ from their own.  

‘The outcome of excellent religious education is religiously literate and consciously engaged young people who have the knowledge, understanding, and skills – appropriate to their age and capacity – to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who recognise the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.’ (Religious Education Directory)  

The Key Stage 3 Curriculum is sequential and progressive, enabling students to build upon previous learning year upon year. It is based on 6 main branches of study:  

  1. Creation and Covenant

  2. Prophecy and Promise

  3. Galilee to Jerusalem

  4. Desert to garden 

  5. To the ends of the Earth

  6. Dialogue and Encounter  

KS3 Curriculum Plan

Extra-curricular enrichment and visits 

Pupils have many opportunities to enhance their knowledge, both spiritually and academically with support from our Salesian Sisters and wider Salesian Family. All year groups participate in annual retreats and have the opportunity to attend local and national youth gatherings.   

Year 7: Retreat in house.
Year 8: Retreat to Lowe House (Animate)
Year 9: Retreat to St Teresa of the Child Jesus Parish Centre 


Year 10: Retreat to St Joseph’s Prayer Centre Formby
Year 11: Retreat to ‘Our Place’ by Merseyside Youth Association

We have opportunities for guest speakers throughout the year, including: 

  • Animate

  • Good News for Everyone (Formerly GIDEONS UK)

  • Salesian Sisters UK

Visits to Liverpool Metropolitan and Anglican Cathedrals for students in KS4 in the summer term. 

Recommended Reading

If you are interested in beliefs, spirituality or theology then why not try one of our book recommendations all about religion - simply select the 'RE' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this subject? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: RE Reading List

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