
“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.” ~ Psalm 98:4

The Music department strives to fulfil our school mission by providing an ambitious knowledge rich curriculum which has Catholic education at its heart.  Our curriculum has been designed to allow our students to flourish into best version of themselves. Our subject specialist teachers impart their knowledge through the love of their subject.  Music has the power to bring people together.  Musical experiences, such as ensemble performance and composition tasks, concerts, and trips create bonds among individuals fostering a sense of community. Our hope is that our students develop a lifelong love for music

Curriculum Intent

We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious music curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for future learning or employment. Our music curriculum will give students the opportunity to:

  • Develop a thorough understanding of music, through performing, composing, listening and analysing.

  • Develop self-confidence through performance, both through lessons and extra-curricular participation

  • Encourage creativity through composition skills

  • Understand the complexities of music through analysis of a wide range of genres from different musical and cultural perspectives

  • Understand how music can support the development of life skills, such as confidence, self-awareness, perseverance and discipline and provide a holistic experience that they can take beyond their musical studies

  • Develop their cross-curricular skills of problem solving, perseverance, diligence, team work, time management, organisation, responsibility and cultural history

  • Gain a sense of achievement through performance.

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Acquiring foundation performance knowledge through preparation and participation for Choir of the year competition.

Developing performance knowledge through acquiring keyboard skills.

Refining knowledge of performance through film music

Acquiring foundation composition knowledge through exploration of rhythms around the world.

Developing knowledge of composition through ground bass.

Refining listening and appraising skills by listening to and analysing cover versions.

Acquiring foundation ensemble performance knowledge.

Developing Ensemble Performance through Blues Music

Refining knowledge of composition through the use of ICT

Key Stage 4

At St John Bosco we study the Eduqas GCSE Music course.

Subject content

Component 1 - Performing 30% Teacher assessed
A minimum of two pieces, lasting a total of 4-6 minutes, recorded in the year of assessment:
One piece must be an ensemble (group piece) lasting at least one minute
One piece linked to an Area of Study (see below)
Grade 3 music is the standard level and can score full marks if played perfectly
You can use any instrument or voice, or choose a technology option.

Component 2 - Composing 30% Teacher assessed
Two pieces:
One in response to a brief set by WJEC – there are 4 to choose from each year.
One free composition – ANY style you want to write in.

 Component 3 - Appraising 40% Externally assessed examination
Listening examination:
8 questions, 2 on each area of study:
AoS 1 Musical Forms and Devices (including a set work*)
AoS 2 Music for Ensemble
AoS 3 Film Music
AoS 4 popular Music (including a set work*)

Year 10

Year 11

Composition 1

Composition 2

AoS 1 Musical Forms and Devices (including a set work*)

AoS 3 Film Music

AoS 2 Music for Ensemble

AoS 4 Popular Music (including a set work*)

Solo and ensemble performance

Solo and ensemble performance

Revision Support

BBC Bitesize

Extra-Curricular Enrichment and Events

  • Year 7 choir

  • SJB Choir

  • SJB Band

  • School Production

  • Talent Show

  • Christmas Showcase

  • Spring Sing

  • Professional workshops

  • Theatre trips

If you are interested in singing, composing songs or playing an instrument, then why not try one of our book recommendations all about music - simply select the 'Music' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this subject? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: Music Reading List

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