As reading is a priority across the school, we want to develop pupils' love of reading and reading for pleasure. The ‘Read- Aloud’ programme will consist of pupils being read to by their form tutor for 25 minutes twice per week. Books will be carefully chosen for enjoyment and engagement. Thematic links can be made to the main texts being studied within the English curriculum so that pupils can make links across texts. The books will be carefully chosen to foster the love of reading e.g. reading the first book in a trilogy to inspire all readers to go away and read the rest of the books independently (Year 8 – The Hunger Games). The books will be read to pupils by form tutors, this will allow for correct intonation and prosody of words and engagement with the text through gesture. The main focus will be on the fluidity of reading and engagement with the text. The library will also be ensuring that they are stocked with the books that pupils are reading in form time and in their English lessons. This will enable pupils to take the book home and read for enjoyment independently.
Current texts being read in form 24/25:
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