
“Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever”  ~ Psalm 104:5

The Geography department strives to fulfil our school mission by providing an ambitious knowledge rich geography curriculum which has Catholic education at its heart.  Our curriculum has been designed to allow our students to flourish into best version of themselves. Whilst our subject specialist teachers impart their knowledge through the love of their subject. Geography at its core is based upon community and a sustainable mutual respect between the natural world and the humans who inhabit it.  

Our hope is that our students develop into effective stewards of our earth. To have the faith and conviction to make the world a better place both now and for future generations.  

Curriculum Intent

Geography is a subject which stimulates a sense of wonder about our world.  It helps young people to make sense of the continually changing environment in which they live. At St John Bosco, pupils explore the three major components of geography: physical, human, and environmental. ​ 

We recognise that a high-quality geography education is essential for the progress and success of our pupils. Our knowledge rich curriculum covers a wide breath of content which builds upon the work covered in key stage 2 and fully prepares pupils for transition to GCSE and beyond. Our balanced curriculum is based upon the most up to date educational research and ensures that progression through years 7-9 enables the pupils to enhance and hone their geographical expertise. Whilst the key focus on retrieval enables pupils to draw upon any aspect in their future learning. By the end of key stage 3 pupils will have acquired a comprehensive and substantive geographical knowledge which in turn allows them to develop an appreciation of the whole domain of geography. ​ 

Pupils will learn about a diverse range of places and peoples, incorporating both physical and natural processes and environments. As they progress through the curriculum their growing knowledge will help them deepen their understanding of connections and interactions between physical and human processes, and how these can in turn impact the formation of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the framework that underpins our approach to the geography curriculum. 

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

An introduction to Geography 

Britain is great 

Our hazardous world  

Our Liverpool home 

Risky rivers 

Our unique world  

Chaotic coasts 

Prisoners of geography 

Our wasteful world  

Wacky weather  

Extreme environments 

Our crowded world 

Key Stage 4

At St John Bosco we study the AQA GCSE Geography course. More information about it can be found by clicking here.

Paper one: Living with the physical environment 
3.1.1 Section A: The challenge of natural hazards 
3.1.2 Section B: The living world 
3.1.3 Section C: Physical landscapes in the UK  

Paper two: Challenges in the human environment
3.2.1 Section A: Urban issues and challenges 
3.2.2 Section B: The changing economic world 
3.2.3 Section C: The challenge of resource management 

Paper three: Geographical applications
3.3.1 Section A: Issue evaluation
3.3.2 Section B: Fieldwork

Year 10

Year 11

Urban issues and challenges – Liverpool as a case study of an urban area in a high-income country (HIC) and Lagos as a case study of a city in a newly emerging economy (NEE).  

Natural hazards                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Coastal landscapes  

Living world 

Changing economic world - UK as a case study of high-income country (HIC) and Nigeria as a case study of newly emerging economy (NEE).

Resource management 

River landscapes 

Revision Support Sites

BBC bitesize 
Cool geography

Key Stage 5

At St John Bosco we study the AQA A-Level Geography course. More information about it can be found by clicking here 

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessment at the end of the course. 

Physical geography
1. Water and carbon cycles
2. Coastal systems and landscapes
3. Hazards

Human geography
1. Global systems and global governance 
2. Changing places
3. Population and the environment

Geography fieldwork investigation - NEA

Year 12

Year 13

Water and carbon cycles  


Coastal systems and landscapes 

Global systems and global governance 

Changing places 


Population and the environment 

Revision Support Sites

Cool geography
Geography revision
Geography portal
BBC news 

If you are interested in earth science, geology or anthropology then why not try one of our book recommendations all about geography - simply select the 'Geography' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this subject? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: Geography Reading List

Extra-Curricular Enrichment and Visits

Year 7 -A coastal landscapes investigation
Year 8- A river landscape investigation
Year 9 – A conservation investigation
GCSE – Urban regeneration and Sand dune succession
A-level – The NEA is person to the individual student. There are opportunities to complete the data collection aspect in the local area as well are further afield within the UK. 

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