International Women’s Day Celebrations

Here at St John Bosco Arts College, International Women's Day was not just a date on the calendar; it was a vibrant celebration filled with activities aimed at empowering our students and inspiring them to embrace diversity, equality, and inclusion. From engaging talks to exciting scavenger hunts, here's a glimpse into the activities that took place for this special day. 

One of the highlights of the day was the insightful talk delivered by an all-female team of representatives from Merseyside Police. Year 10 students gathered on the hill to learn about the diverse range of roles within the police force, sparking aspirations and igniting passions for future careers in law enforcement. From constables to detectives, our students discovered that Merseyside Police offers opportunities beyond traditional patrolling, encouraging them to explore the myriad of possibilities open to them within this essential institution. 

Meanwhile, our Year 7 and 8 students had the privilege of hearing from lead producer, Eliza Willis, from Culture Liverpool. Through an engaging presentation, they learned about the dynamic world of project management, marketing, and creativity in the cultural sector. As they listened to stories of breaking boundaries and driving change, our students were inspired to envision themselves as future leaders in these exciting fields. 

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