
“The plan of the Diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to Poverty” ~ Proverbs 21:5

Curriculum Intent

The Business Studies department aims to provide our students with the skills and knowledge necessary for an ever-changing competitive environment.  We aim to ensure that all our students can go out into the world of work with the attributes necessary to be a success. To achieve our aims we ensure we provide a curriculum that meets the needs of all our learners and set the highest standards and expectations. We encourage all our students to be the best that they can be.

Curriculum Content

Key Stage 4 / GCSE

The BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise is delivered at key stage 4.  This is a two year course equivalent to one GCSE.  The course is comprised of three components.  Two components are assessed through a controlled conditions assessment and the third unit is assessed via an exam.  This is a Pearson qualification, the following link will enable access to further information about the course, including the specification:

Year 10

Both controlled conditions assessments are completed in year 10.
The composite elements of component 1 are:

  • Size and features of SMEs

  • Markets, sectors, models and industries in which enterprise operate

  • Aims and activities of enterprises

  • Skills and characteristics of entrepreneurs

  • Market research methods

  • Understanding customer needs

  • Understanding competitor behaviour

  • Suitability of market research methods

  • PEST analysis

  • SWOT analysis

The composite elements of component 2 are:

  • Choosing ideas for a micro-enterprise

  • Plan for a micro-enterprise

  • Production of presentation

  • Delivery of presentation

  • Review of presentation

Year 11

In Year 11 students study component 3 which is assessed by an exam in the summer.
The composite elements of component 3 are:

  • Targeting and segmenting the market

  • 4Ps of the marketing mix

  • Factors influencing the choice of marketing methods

  • Trust, reputation and loyalty

  • Financial documents

  • Payment methods

  • Revenue and costs

  • Financial statements

  • Profitability and liquidity

  • Budgeting

  • Cash flow

  • Suggesting improvements to cash flow problems

  • Break even point and break even analysis

  • Sources of business finance

Revision Support

A revision guide for the exam component is available for all students.  Past papers are also provided for mock assessments and support with revision.

Key Stage 5 / A-Level

Two courses are offered in Business at Key Stage 5.  These courses are the BTEC National Extended Certificate in Business and the BTEC National Diploma in Business. 
The Extended Certificate is equivalent to one A Level.  Students complete four units over two years.  Two of these units are assessed by coursework, one unit is assessed by an exam and the final unit is assessed by controlled conditions.
The Diploma is equivalent to two A Levels.  Students complete eight units over two years.  Five of these units are assessed by coursework, two units are assessed by controlled conditions and one unit is assessed by an exam.

The specifications can be accessed using the link:

Year 12

Unit 1 (Coursework, Extended Certificate and Diploma students)

  • Explore the features of different businesses and analyse what makes them successful

  • Investigate how businesses are organised

  • Examine the environment in which businesses operate

  • Examine business markets

  • Investigate the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business success

Unit 3 (Exam, Extended Certificate and Diploma students)

  • The importance of managing personal finance

  • The personal finance sector

  • The purpose of accounting

  • Sources of business finance

  • Break even analysis

  • Cash flow forecasting

  • Statements of comprehensive income and financial position (Profit and loss account and Balance sheet)

  • Ratio analysis

Unit 5 (Coursework, Diploma students only)

  • Explore the international context for business operations

  • Investigate the international economic environment in which business operates

  • Investigate the external factors that influence international business

  • Investigate the cultural factors that influence international business

  • Examine the strategic and operational approaches to developing international trade

Unit 19 (Coursework, Diploma students only)

  • Explore potential ideas for a micro-business start-up

  • Develop a business plan for a viable micro-business start-up

  • Carry out a pitch for funding for the chosen micro-business

Year 13

Unit 2 (Controlled conditions, Extended Certificate and Diploma students)

  • The principles and purposes of marketing

  • Use information to develop a marketing campaign

  • Planning and developing a marketing campaign

Unit 4 (Coursework, Diploma students only)

  • Explore the role of an event organiser

  • Investigate the feasibility of a proposed event

  • Develop a detailed plan for a business or social enterprise event

  • Stage and manage a business or social enterprise event

  • Reflect on the running of the event and evaluate own skills development

Unit 6 (Controlled conditions, Diploma students only)

  • The definitions and functions of management

  • Management and leadership styles and skills

  • Managing human resources

  • Factors influencing management, motivation and performance of the workforce

  • Impact of change

  • Quality management

Unit 8 (Coursework, Extended Certificate and Diploma students)

  • Examine how effective recruitment and selection contribute to business success

  • Undertake a recruitment activity to demonstrate the processes leading to a successful job offer

  • Reflect on the recruitment and selection process and your individual performance

Revision Support

A revision guide and past papers are available for all students to support mock assessments and revision.

Extra Curricular Enrichment and visits

After school support is offered throughout the academic year to all year groups to help students maximise their coursework grades and prepare them for exams and controlled conditions assessments.

 The Year 13 BTEC National Diploma in Business students organise a day trip to London as part of the requirements for Unit 4.

If you are interested in money, corporations or markets then why not try one of our book recommendations all about business - simply select the 'Business' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this subject? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: Business Reading List

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