“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” ~ Corinthians 6:19-20

The PE Department at St John Bosco endeavour for all students to be inspired to flourish into the best version of themselves having the confidence to take part in sport, both now and in the future. The department strive to do this cheerfully by sharing love, knowledge and kindness whilst educating minds, developing healthy bodies, and promoting positive attitudes towards lifetime physical activity, fitness, and sports skills. Sport provides development challenges like no other learning domain and contributes to a truly holistic development experience for pupils and staff.

Curriculum Intent

The PE department provide opportunities to engage everyone through a diverse, challenging, multi-sport experience at all ages across all abilities. Whether an aspiring Olympian or for social and recreational purposes, we recognise the significant mental and physical benefits that come with regular play, participation or competition. Equally we recognise and nurture the development of fundamental behaviours that emerge by participating and competing in sport. The skills and behaviours developed through sport including self-regulation, leadership, adaptability, self-awareness, confidence and social-emotional understanding have gone on to help many to succeed in careers beyond sport. We provide an array of leadership opportunities and qualifications including FA sports leaders, Indoor Athletics Leaders for both KS3 and 4 pupils, furthermore each pupil is encouraged to demonstrate leadership skills in every lesson, with some representing the school as young leaders for Primary Sports days.

We promote and support pupils who are currently competing at higher level sports such as representing England Football U14s, competing for Great British boxing, representing Great Britain at BMX world Championships. Although we experience sporting success, the department’s priority is to be fully inclusive and to give every child the opportunity to play regardless of their ability. We offer a wide range of extra curricula activities as can be seen on the timetable below to allow enjoyment at all levels.

The emphasis throughout our curriculum is to allow students to develop the three pillars of PE; healthy participation, motor competence and knowledge of rules, strategies and tactics. This is reflected in our Head, Heart, Hands assessment method used throughout KS3, building on the fundamental movement skills established in KS1 and KS2, spending time consolidating and refining them whilst building competence and confidence in more complex competitive and challenging contexts. At St John Bosco PE we prepare pupils for KS4 Btec Sport by assessing both practical and theoretical methods at all key stages, recognising that success in sport comes in a variety of aspects, not simply in a pupil's ability to play but also in their knowledge of the rules of the game, the tactics they can apply or anatomy and physiology linked to a healthy lifestyle.


Key Stage 4

At St John Bosco we study BTEC Tech Award in Sport. More information about it can be found by clicking here

Component one: Preparing participants to take part in sport/physical activity

  • Written coursework and practical assessment of knowledge and leadership, recorded through video evidence.

  • Explore different types and provision of sport/physical activity that is available for different participants.

  • Examine equipment and technology required for participants to use when taking part.

  • Be able to prepare participants to take part in sport/physical activity.

    • Bodies response to exercise (muscular skeletal systems)

    • Prepare and lead practical methods to prepare participants

Component two: Taking part and improving other participants in sporting performance

  • Written coursework and practical assessment recorded through video evidence​ of specific sports performance and leadership.

  • Understand how different components of fitness are used in physical activities.

  • Participate in sport, plus understand and demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of officials.

  • Identify and demonstrate methods to improve participants sporting techniques

Component three: 90 min exam - Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity

A: Explore the importance of fitness for sports performance
B: Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels
C: Investigate different fitness training methods
D: Investigate fitness programming to improve fitness and sports performance

Year 10

Component one: Preparing participants to take part in sport/physical activity

  • Written coursework and practical assessment of knowledge and leadership, recorded through video evidence.

  • Explore different types and provision of sport/physical activity that is available for different participants.

  • Examine equipment and technology required for participants to use when taking part.

  • Be able to prepare participants to take part in sport/physical activity.

    • Bodies response to exercise (muscular skeletal systems)

    • Prepare and lead practical methods to prepare participants

Component two: Taking part and improving other participants in sporting performance

  • Participate in sport, plus understand and demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of officials.

  • Identify and demonstrate methods to improve participants sporting techniques

Year 11

Component two: Taking part and improving other participants in sporting performance

  • Written coursework and practical assessment recorded through video evidence​ of specific sports performance and leadership.

  • Understand how different components of fitness are used in physical activities.


Component three: 90 min exam - Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity

A: Explore the importance of fitness for sports performance
B: Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels
C: Investigate different fitness training methods
D: Investigate fitness programming to improve fitness and sports performance

Key Stage 5

At St John Bosco we study the Edexcel BTEC Extended Certificate in Sport. More information about it can be found by clicking here.

Year 12

Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology (120 GLH)
External assessment – Exam – Short and long style answer questions.
90 marks, 1 hour 30 mins. Assessment available twice a year in January and May/June.

Learning aimsA. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the skeletal system.
B. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the muscular system.
C. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the respiratory system
D. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the cardiovascular system
E. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the energy systems

Unit 4: Leading Sports Activities (60 GLH)
Internal Assessments – Practical and theory elements

Learning aimsA. Understand the roles, qualities and characteristics of an effective sports leader
B. Examine the importance of psychological factors and their link with effective leadership
C. Explore an effective leadership style when leading a team during sport and exercise activities.

Year 13

Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being (120 GLH)
External Assessment – Written controlled assessment /60.
Two-part task, Part A is a scenario based on an individual who requires guidance with training, lifestyle and nutrition, this will be released a week before the supervised assessment (Part B).
Part B is a controlled assessment in which pupils are allowed to take in their research notes from part A. They will be issued a task, have two and a half hours for completion under supervised assessment.

Learning aimsA. Examine lifestyle factors and their effect on health and well-being
B. Understand the screening processes for training programming
C. Understand programme-related nutritional needs
D. Examine training methods for different components of fitness
E. Understand training programme design

Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry (60 GLH)
Internal assessments – Practical and theory elements

Learning aimsA. Understand the career and job opportunities in the sports industry
B. Explore own skills using a skills audit to inform a career development action plan
C. Undertake a recruitment activity to demonstrate the processes that can lead to a successful job offer in a selected career pathway

Key Stage 3

Year 7

  • Football

  • Netball

  • Trampolining

  • Sport Hall Athletics

  • Outdoor Adventure Activities

  • Rounders

  • Athletics

Year 8

  • Football

  • Netball

  • Trampolining

  • Sports Hall Athletics

  • Outdoor Adventure Activities

  • Net/Wall Activity

  • Athletics

  • Rounders

Year 9

  • Football / Netball / Basketball

  • Badminton

  • Trampolining

  • Outdoor Adventure Activities

  • Athletics

  • Rounders

Extra-Curricular Enrichment

  • Duke of Edinburgh

  • Badminton

  • Rock Climbing

  • Basketball

  • Netball

  • Dodgeball

  • Boxercise

  • Fitness

  • Rounders

  • Athletics

If you are interested in sports, exercise or keeping fit then why not try one of our book recommendations all about physical education - simply select the 'PE' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this subject? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: PE Reading List

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